Saturday, May 28, 2022

Local and global diversity

Travel can be disappointing if you were expecting a faraway place to look very different from home. With some exceptions, it's often the same Coca-Cola, the same cars and buildings, the same internet everywhere. 

Before humans got so good at carrying things and ideas around the planet, there was more of the "Type 1" diversity shown in this picture. Each black circle represents some unit of space, like a village or a continent. One continent might have horses and no corn, and another continent has corn and no horses.

Recently, there's a lot of "Type 2" diversity. Everywhere has corn, and everywhere has horses.
If you live within one of these black bubbles, then Type 2 looks diverse and Type 1 looks homogenous. But the more you zoom out, Type 1 looks diverse and Type 2 looks homogenous.

It's almost universally agreed that diversity in some form is a good thing. The question is -- which kind of diversity are we talking about?